Tuesday, September 10, 2013

A chocolatey mission statement

While I am indulging myself in a bit of depression and melancholy, I stumbled upon a woman whose mission seems quite clear and sweet!


The author:
I am on a mission to taste all of the great chocolate this world has to offer! As an entrepreneur who bakes with fine chocolate, I have the privilege of tasting new varieties of fine chocolate on a regular basis. My end goal is to become a true chocolate connoisseur, and I intend to do whatever it takes to get to that point, whether it be tasting and comparing thousands of chocolate bars (I have an obsession with tasting new kinds of chocolate daily), traveling for chocolate experiences or mastering the art of chocolate making.

The blog - The Ultimate Chocolate Blog is for people who love to taste and compare high quality chocolate, improve their palate and increase their awareness of chocolate from around the world. The main goals for this blog are to: connect people to fine chocolate, connect fine chocolate to people, and connect fine people to people who love fine chocolate.

Some of us may ditch some mission statements as too gooey, but the lady has a nice mission! Her chocolate journey will definitely lead her to interesting places! Maybe she has a fulltime job that supports her chocolate endeavour!

While we're on the mission statement point, couldn't help but google the best mission statements.
One of the most concise but best put statements was for TED!

TED: Spreading Ideas.

That's it.. spreading ideas. How wonderful!

Also, the mission statement of Eric Carle's museum of picture book art, is fabulous.
"We aspire to build bridges to an appreciation of art of every kind and to provide an enriching, dynamic, and supportive context for the development of literacy..."

Art of every kind, imagine. Almost all the things we do everyday, can be art...The rest should be what we do for a living :-)

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