Thursday, January 24, 2013

Down with the shopping bug

Shopaholic women: One who buys more handbags, more lipsticks, more shoes, more clothes, more watches, more of everything. I know why women shop. It burns calories! REVENGE: It helps burn a hole in hubby's pocket (good punishment for not keeping THE WIFE happy in the first place).

Looks like even a boring person like me can be taken in for such things.
I was wandering around yday to while away time and stop myself from eating food :-) Effect: I ended up coveting some things. Ever since my husband gifted me  a grand Titan Raga watch, I started visiting Titan watch stores more :-)
Y'day I entered a Titan shop as it showed 40% sale. I ended up liking a really costly but classic watch. So, looks like this shopping bug has finally caught me.

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