Monday, January 6, 2014

Everything changes.. and the fight for survival

Yesterday we were discussing some things at the gym. The trainers were moaning about the ridiculous pay their boss dished out and how they were all depressed after seeing some situations.
I looked back and saw my own life. In 2009 my company closed, making both of us jobless with a huge loan to pay. I sold off my dear car and shifted to Bangalore, I move I never liked.
Then, all of a sudden I got a job, with a superb pay package, something even I never expected, something way better than all the guys who had worked with me got. Then, just as it came, it turned out to be a stressful job with really shitty people with no values and I quit (though I wanted to continue working).

Then, last year this time, my husband switched jobs. He had 2-3 fantastic offers in terms of money. We picked one which we thought would offer most security and less stress. Turns out, that was the most stressful job he ever had. I know many people who were a bit jealous abt his new job - pay package. But end of 6 months, guy quits job and end up jobless. It's been 6 months now.
Our small savings has dwindled. One of us needs to get a job soon, else we'll have to borrow to run the home, which I do not like. I think he too has settled into the comfortable groove of staying at home and now, it's going to be very difficult for both of us.

So, all the happiness of having that superb offer are gone. There is nothing to rejoice about, 6 months down the lane. That explains in brief, how transitory things are. Things around us can change so much, more so due to this globalization effect and weak economies across the world.

Someone in a Tiruppur spinning mill can lose his job if someone in Wall Street made one big mistake. That's to summarise the effect.

There are tons of people in low paying jobs, earning a pittance. There's a daily struggle to feed the family. Education is not even a thought on their mind.

Given that "the mass of men lead quiet lives of deaperation", how do we solve the issue?

I go back to Sadhguru's words. It makes more sense now.
We have made this survival process and economic prosperity the core of our life.

"When economy becomes the only important thing on the planet, the survival process is automatically being put into a divine position. The masculine is bound to be dominant and in this system, women will suffer.The survival process has become the ideal. This is fundamentally a wrong way to structure a society. If aesthetics, love, music, dance, art and craft were as important as money, business and the stock market, you would see that the feminine would naturally play a significant role in the world."

Today, all these struggles, which we go through, are struggles for survival... economic prosperity..comparison, to fare better than the other, for security and comfort. I feel if we just accept these struggles and still approach live with a certain reverence, wonder, joy and enjoy the purposelessness of life beyond the fact that "living" this life itself is the only purpose and we need to just go through everything that happens to us.. we can still keep our heads cool and hearts full.
Look at Ramakrishna Paramahamsa or the sages scattered around Varanasi and the Himalayan zone.. with nothing to own, they do seem content and rooted. Since yesterday, this thought has been on my mind. Maybe we can lead more fulfilling lives if we adopted this perspective and just go through the struggles. Our love and emotions are there for free, to give to others and bring joy to others, isn't it?

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