Thursday, March 20, 2014

Habits...mind and willpower

I was reading about habits at 2 places. Both these women, sound so similar, don't they?

Then, there is Robin Sharma. I have to view the full video.

I am wondering, how come so many people suffer from the same vices?
The same slack and sloth? Do most of us hate our jobs? Why so?
Most of us hate to exercise? Why so?
I'm surprised at the common-ness of these things.
Instead of giving solutions like "habits" we may do well to meditate on the actual issue and solve it.
Habits seem good. It's like allopathic medicine. You numb the body to work whereas the symptoms remain hidden and keep growing. They will come back a year later, when your will power is at the lowest. So, it's better to go deep and see why you're procrastinating or why you lack the energy to do something rather than mask it with things like habits and productivity.

Some good excerpts from Autobiography of a yogi's FB page:
To create dynamic will power, determine to do some of the things in life that you thought you could not do. Attempt simple tasks first. As your confidence strengthens and your will becomes more dynamic, you can aim for more difficult accomplishments. Be certain that you have made a good selection, then refuse to submit to failure. Devote your entire will power to mastering one thing at a time; do not scatter your energies nor leave something half done to begin a new venture.

When guided by error, human will misleads us; but when guided by wisdom, human will is attuned to the Divine Will. God's plan for us often becomes obscured by the conflicts of human life and so we lose the inner guidance that would save us from chasms of misery.

Always be sure, within the calm region of your inner Self, that what you want is right for you to have, and in accord with God's purposes. You can then use all the force of your will to accomplish your object; keeping your mind, however, centred on the thought of God: the Source of all power and all accomplishment.

Mind is the creator of everything. You should therefore guide it to create only good. If you cling to a certain thought with dynamic will power, it finally assumes a tangible outward form. When you are able to employ your will always for constructive purposes, you become the controller of your destiny.

Strengthen your will power, so that you will not be controlled by circumstances, but will control them.

Your part is to awaken your desire to accomplish your worthy objectives. Then whip your will into action until it follows the way of wisdom that is shown to you.

Remember, in your will lies the almighty power of God. When a host of difficulties comes and you refuse to give up in spite of all obstacles; when your mind becomes "set," then you will find God responding to you.

It is not your passing inspirations or brilliant ideas so much as your everyday mental habits that control your life.

Good habits are your best helpers; preserve their force by stimulating them with good actions. Bad habits are your worst enemies; against your will they make you do the things that hurt you most. They are detrimental to your physical, social, mental, moral, and spiritual happiness. Starve bad habits by refusing to give them any further food of bad actions.

A bad habit can be quickly changed. A habit is the result of concentration of the mind. You have been thinking in a certain way. To form a new and good habit, just concentrate in the opposite direction.



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