Monday, July 28, 2014

How do we go to the next level

I feel I'm stagnating. I don't see much progress.
One wonders, how do you use the 24 hours to become a better self?
I try to be mindful. I try to give things my 100%.
Yet, there is this dissatisfaction. I feel I have not achieved anything.
I wonder when this feeling would go.
Why can't I just accept that all is well and is exactly the way it should be?
Every small change takes a long time to incorporate and it can be painful.
You will slip back and go round and round.
It happens.. That's why most diets fail. The bad habits have us hooked so badly that it's so difficult to bring in good changes.
Changes happen sooooo slowly. I don't even know when they fully get installed.
Aah..painful painful...Sigh.. Sigh!

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