Thursday, June 5, 2014

Being hijacked by worldly matters

Recent times I have been thinking a lot about career, etc.
When you know that things are not in your control, you feel helpless.
This whole issue kidnapped me for a long time.
And here, today I read something beautiful:

To be controlled by moods is to be a part of matter. If you keep your mind on the resolve never to lose your peace, then you can attain godliness. Keep a secret chamber of silence within yourself, where you will not let moods, trials, battles, or inharmony enter. Keep out all hatred, revengefulness, and desires. In this chamber of peace God will visit you.

Paramahansa Yogananda

What it means to me is, there should be times when the world and worldly matters simply vanish from your mind. Atleast for those few minutes, you can touch peace. I am going to try it. Usually my meditative walks are times when I do not think of anything or the problems. But this sentence is a strong affirmation that I should be even more vigilant and not let the worldly issues overtake "life" and the joy of living.
Yesterday also was a very good day for mindfulness. I observed my food, my sever cough - how it started and how the body felt, which part was involved, etc.
It is just much we can observe. I wish to do it more often.. 

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