What is thought? Why do different people think of different things? How can I silence the noise in my head? These are questions that I ponder. I saw a podcast yesterday which says that identifying with things is the cause of thoughts. The mind creates identity and the mind is a lie.
Why do we want to escape reality? Why does reality seem mundane and uphill?
Why do we all hope for better things in the future? When that future comes, we are still not satisfied. The mind has deceived us. It has made us move to a new point, only to change the goal again, hasn't it? Why does the mind promise happiness but always makes us unhappy with the present? Somewhere in the context of mind - time plays an important factor. Osho says that time is a product of the mind. While I dig more, here are some interwoven thoughts.
Osho on dreams (daydreaming included) and reality:
We live in a deep illusion – the illusion of hope, of future, of tomorrow. As man is, man cannot exist
without self-deceptions. Nietzsche says somewhere that man cannot live with the true: he needs
dreams, he needs illusions, he needs lies to exist. And Nietzsche is true. As man is he cannot exist
with the truth. This has to be understood very deeply because without understanding it, there can
be no entry into the inquiry which is called yoga.
The mind has to be understood deeply – the mind which needs lies, the mind which needs illusions,
the mind which cannot exist with the real, the mind which needs dreams. You are not dreaming
only in the night. Even while awake, you are dreaming continuously. You may be looking at me, you
may be listening to me, but a dream current goes on within you. Continuously, the mind is creating
dreams, images, fantasies.
Now scientists say that a man can live without sleep, but he cannot live without dreams. In old
days it was understood that sleep is a necessity, but now modern research says sleep is not really
a necessity. Sleep is needed only so that you can dream. Dream is the necessity.
Mind manufactures identity.
Quieten the mind:
Ego and identifications:
“The most common ego identifications have to do with possessions,
the work you do, social status and recognition, knowledge and education,
physical appearance, special abilities, relationships, person and
family history, belief systems, and often nationalistic, racial,
religious, and other collective identifications. None of these is you.”
Thoughts and identifications:
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