Wednesday, September 17, 2014

The economics of energy in/out

I have been reading quite a lot over the last 2 years. I have never read so much, so consistently earlier (unless it's for an exam).
Some days, I feel filled to the brim. I can't take in any more words.. any more concepts.
I also have the nagging feeling that I have not produced anything out of my knowledge. It bogs me.

Then, we had this conversation and my husband said that I am doing things that draw a lot of energy.
If I did something that could provide me with energy rather than drain me, I'd be doing good. He said for long I have been a consumer - which was energy consuming rather than a producer.

When we create a piece of art - with a lot of passion - let's say we cook a  great meal - we kind of produce energy, we're not expending energy. We derive more meaning and happiness in this process than simply consuming.

Whereas when you are reading a serious book or watching a serious programme, you're consuming energy. That's why we can see that on FB people "like" pictures more than long sentences that need to be read, understood and interpreted. It's very less strainful on the brain to just see pics and like. In today's world, we are so sucked into our jobs which require tremendous concentration and energy to accomplish. That leaves us with no energy outside of work. We're very tired to do things at home.

So, we need to balance our energies - rather keep the energy consumed, less than the energy produced.

This led me to another topic. How do we wake up each day energized physically, emotionally and energetically?

Sleep for one replenishes the physical body. Goals and hope keep the mind healthy and alive and make us look forward to the day.

It's when we don't see pleasure for long or lack goals and lack a direction that days get difficult.
It's difficult to get out of bed. There is nothing to look forward to and it may take a while to get some goal to work for you. It's an arduous task. We have our lows. It's how well we bounce back that matters.. not how low we fall.

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