Looooooong blog post but very informative.
It talks about siddhars, tamil history, microcosm, macrocosm, panchakarma, tridoshas, astrology, astronomy, why yogis do pranayama (to replenish lost prana), how siddhars perform magic or illusions, reading disease through pulses, different causes of diseases, what constitutes a good physician, the benefits of mercury, rejuvenation and immortality. It's one long breath. Very informatve.
Looooooong blog post but very informative.
It talks about siddhars, tamil history, microcosm, macrocosm, panchakarma, tridoshas, astrology, astronomy, why yogis do pranayama (to replenish lost prana), how siddhars perform magic or illusions, reading disease through pulses, different causes of diseases, what constitutes a good physician, the benefits of mercury, rejuvenation and immortality. It's one long breath. Very informatve.
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