Saturday, August 24, 2013

The many us

"Ongoing experience gradually transforms his neural configuration, changing him from who he was into who he is, one synapse at a time. Emotional identity drifts over a lifetime — if fast and far enough, one might encounter a stranger’s heart where a friend’s or a lover’s once dwelt."

We have already spoken about Sadhguru's article below.
This is the same as everyone realizes over time. What you were 10 years ago, is not what you are today. Your understanding of the world has changed (for the better).
Your understanding of who you are, what you can do and what your limitations are - has improved.
Your relations with people have changed (for better or worse).
Your choice of clothes, hairstyle, books, movies, music - can change. They can be shaped by external influences like availability of particular genre or non availability of specific genres ( I find it increasingly difficult to get clothes in decent colors. So I wear all colorful clothes which don't suit me). 
Lots of things change.

So, whatever you called as you - 10 years ago, is not the current you. That is what the above and below quoted paras say. It's like we all have infinite versions of ourselves from birth to death.
The more we observe, introspect and sensitise yourself to nature and the world, the more the world has to offer... the more of the world you get to see and enjoy.. Less things worry you. Your confidence and self esteem improve. As you age, without much effort you see yourself becoming wise :-)
What it means is you're changing... your change lets you see more of yourself and the world and this is what you call wisdom.. Your sense of observation alerts you when someone is bluffing. Your energy body or vibrations prevent you from becoming close with certain people, who may not be your type. You take up what you can do.. so - all this makes you feel wise...

Avoid conclusions to know limitlessness

Published: 08th January 2012 09:56 AM
Last Updated: 16th May 2012 06:10 PM
It takes enormous courage for a person to look beyond the conditioning of his belief systems and admit that he knows nothing about even the most basic aspects of his life. Do you believe that you have two hands or do you know you have two hands? Even if you do not use your eyes to see them, you still know you have two hands. It is experientially clear to you. But when it comes to God, you have been told to believe; nobody told you to explore Divinity.
Believing something is not going to transform you. However, if you experience the same, it will leave you absolutely transformed. Without being touched by an experience, whatever you believe does not mean anything. Suppose from the day you were born, if I kept telling you my little finger is God, if I show you my little finger, divine emotions will come within you. From the day you were born, if I teach you that my little finger is the Devil, if I show you my little finger, terror will arise within you. This is the nature of your mind.
Whatever you make out of the mind is of no true significance. As a device, yes but in the ultimate sense it does not mean anything, because it may take one shape today and another shape tomorrow; the mind is fluid, you can make anything out of it. How it is shaped simply depends on how it is influenced. If you look deeply, what you call ‘your mind’ is really something you have borrowed from thousands of people around you. You have accumulated this mind in bits and pieces. Your mind is just your background — depending on the kind of family you come from, your education and religion, the country or society you belong to and the world you are living in.
The intellect is just a survival tool, a limited aspect of your life. Survival is essential, but not fulfilling. If you want to go into deeper dimensions of life, first you need the necessary instruments. Right now you experience life with just sense organs — by seeing, hearing, touching, tasting and smelling. With these, you cannot know anything beyond the physical. You cannot measure the depth of the ocean with a foot scale. That is what is happening with people right now. They are approaching the deeper dimensions of life without the necessary instruments. So they jump to wrong conclusions.
People are eager to jump to conclusions because without a conclusion, they have no substance of their own. What you call as ‘myself’, that person or that personality is just a bundle of conclusions that you have made about life. But whatever conclusion you have made, you are bound to be wrong because life does not fit into any conclusions that you make.
To look at it very simply, just take one human being. Maybe you met somebody 20 years ago and did not like what he was doing. So you concluded that he was not a good man. Now suppose you met this person today after 20 years, he might have become the most wonderful human being, but your mind will not allow you to experience this person the way he is right now. So the moment you make a conclusion, you have stopped your growth; you have stopped and destroyed the possibilities of life.
A spiritual process does not mean jumping into another set of conclusions. When you dare to exist here without any conclusions, willing to look all the time, willing to exist here as just a small particle of this existence, then you will know the limitlessness of the existence.

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