Saturday, January 10, 2015

Anjali Menon.. Bangalore Days.

"Actors are just different beings... as a director, one nudges them into feelings and places that may be new to them yet they slowly climb in and take us on a ride that leaves everyone overwhelmed. Respect!" - Anjali Menon.

2014 for me, movie wise was all Bangalore Days.
I watched and re-watched in awe.. the awesome acting.. the settings..the songs.. the story.. the small philosophical messages entwined was a treat.

I don't think I have seen any movie like this where the actors brought so much to the movie. ( I don't watch a lot of movies in the first place so I am unqualified to make a sweeping statement). Their expressions were a treat to watch...the insecurities were portrayed so beautifully.

I used to always wonder, how do actors get into the skin of a role. Do they really feel the pain or they're just super talented that their face can express it all? Do the emotions seep into their skin and heart? I would really like to see a movie being made...and watch the actors closely. I want to understand a bit of the process of script writing and film making. Hope someday I get a chance.

Here's a very good review of the movie!

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