Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Osho on be yourself

Osho on just be yourself.
Mind is basically indecisive, and awareness is basically decisive. So any act out of awareness is total, full, without repentance.

"Just be unprogrammed, unconditioned awareness."
When you really understand your human mind – its behavior patterns, its inclinations/preferences, its outlook, its eccentricities, you will know how unique it is in its make-up. You “are” the human mind right now, and you are a unique mind. Your mind’s desires, and preferences, create a unique life stream for you, and it attracts a unique set of circumstances for you to experience. Everything that is born is created from a unique “intention”, and when you are true to yourself you fulfill the intention that lead to your birth – in other words, you fulfill your destiny. This destiny is not a “narrow script of life” that you are forced to live out, but rather “potential realities” that you have the capacity to manifest from the uniqueness of your mind’s thinking.
Who you are is fine just the way you are, the only problem is with the “negative thoughts” created out of fear, and lack, based thinking. You don’t need to compete with anyone, you don’t have to push your way around, you don’t have to struggle and strive, you don’t have to put others down, to be yourself or to manifest your desired realities. When you love yourself unconditionally, and accept/appreciate yourself as you are in every aspect, and you accept others as they are, it opens the door to allowing the flowering of your expression automatically. Hatred and fear are the two blocks that keep you from being true to your expression. Stop undermining your mind, stop judging yourself, stop comparing, stop trying to “fit in” and be true to yourself, as you are. Only when you are true to yourself will you be able to attract a reality that is true to you, or congruent with you – this is the end of living a conflicted life.

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