Here are some ways in
which people unconsciously try to emphasize their form-identity. If you
are alert enough, you may be able to detect some unconscious patterns
within yourself: demanding recognition for something you did and getting
angry or upset if you don't get it; trying to get attention by taking
about your problems, the story of your illnesses, or making a scene;
giving your opinion when nobody has asked for it and it makes no
difference to the situation; being more concerned with how the other
person sees you than with the other person, which is to say, using other
people for egoic reflection or as ego enhancers; trying to make an
impression on others through possessions, knowledge, good looks, status,
physical strength, and so on; bringing about temporary ego inflation
through angry reaction against something or someone; taking things
personally, feeling offended; making yourself right and others wrong
through futile mental or verbal complaining; wanting to be seen, or to
appear important.
Once you have detected such a pattern within yourself, I suggest you conduct an experiment. Find out what it feels like and what happens if you let go of that pattern. Just drop it and see what happens. De-emphasizing who you are on the level of form is another way of generating consciousness. Discover the enormous power that flows through you into the world when you stop emphasizing your form identity.
Once you have detected such a pattern within yourself, I suggest you conduct an experiment. Find out what it feels like and what happens if you let go of that pattern. Just drop it and see what happens. De-emphasizing who you are on the level of form is another way of generating consciousness. Discover the enormous power that flows through you into the world when you stop emphasizing your form identity.
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