A few days ago I was astonished. Dear friend Sumi started reading a lot or thinking a lot about the things that I am reading and thinking. I - have been attending classes and reading books.. and she, without all this - has become a Buddha. This prompted me to think - can thoughts spread?
Sometimes I have realized this with my husband or Nidhi also. We're thinking of the same things.
It can't be just coincidence always.
And this thing with Sumi - made me feel different. Coz all of a sudden she is thinking all this andI was wondering if thoughts can be transmitted from one brain to another unconsciously. I strangely seem to have subscribed to this theory.
Thoughts... connecting humans..cosmic intelligence..wow..
Napoloeon Hill:
"I have proved, times too numerous to enumerate, to my own satisfaction at least, that every human brain is both a broadcasting and a receiving station for vibrations of thought frequency."
Some thoughts on thoughts
"Can it be said… that there are not many [frequencies] of [electromagnetic] vibrations that may give us results as wonderful as or even more wonderful than, the wireless [radio] waves? It seems to me that in [a range of frequencies] lie the vibrations which we have assumed to be given off by our brains and nerve cells when we think… … If the thought waves are similar to the wireless [radio] waves, they must pass from the brain and flow endlessly around the world and the universe. The body and the skull and other solid obstacles would form no obstruction to their passage…
"You ask if there would not be constant interference and confusion if other people's thoughts were flowing through our brains and setting up thoughts in them that did not originate with ourselves?
"How do you know that other men's thoughts are not interfering with yours now? I have noticed a good many phenomena of mind disturbances that I have never been able to explain. For instance, there is the inspiration or discouragement that a speaker feels in addressing an audience. I have experienced this many times in my life and I have never been able to define exactly the physical causes of it.
"Many recent scientific discoveries, in my opinion, point to a day not far distant perhaps, when men will read one another's thoughts, when thoughts will be conveyed directly from brain to brain without intervention of speech, writing, or any of the present known methods of communication.
"It is not unreasonable to look forward to a time when we shall see without eyes, hear without ears, and talk without tongues.
"Briefly, the hypothesis that mind can communicate directly with mind rests on the theory that thought, or vital force, is a form of electrical disturbance, that it can be taken up by induction and transmitted to a distance either through a wire or simply through the all-pervading ether, as in the case of wireless telegraph waves."
from: The Law of Success in Sixteen Lessons, Volume I—see book list below
Ramamurti S. Mishra, MD
In The Textbook of Yoga Psychology Dr. Mishra writes about telepathy and clairvoyance being by-products of Yoga meditation practice:
"…Most theories of the west are built on non-admission of telepathy and clairvoyance. Yoga admits not only that such phenomena are possible but that they have been confirmed by experience of yogins in meditation. The system of Yoga admits individual mind and says that it is a manifestation of Cosmic Mind. Hence in purity of individual mind, there must be ability to communicate with all minds of the universe. Telepathy, clairvoyance, etc., are not the aim of Yoga practice. They are by-products of this practice… This purity is achieved only through meditation and contemplation practice according to the classical system of Yoga.
"Each mind purified through [meditation] becomes able to connect with other minds without losing its identity…
"…This state of mind is the same as that of the Self-realization method taught by yogins. The system of Yoga has evolved a technique to produce the telepathic state of mind, which operates like radio or television at that particular moment."
Dr. Mishra reiterates that these psychic phenomena are the by-products, and not the aim of Yoga practice, and notes that practitioners are warned to use such abilities only for purposes which further the realization of Cosmic Unity and the true Self.
from: Textbook of Yoga Psychology—see book list below
Napoleon Hill
"I have proved, times too numerous to enumerate, to my own satisfaction at least, that every brain is both a broadcasting and a receiving station for vibrations of thought frequency…
"Every mind, or brain, is directly connected with every other brain by means of the ether. Every thought released by any brain may be instantly picked up and interpreted by all other brains that are 'en rapport' with the sending brain… …It is the belief of this author that every thought vibration released by any brain is picked up… and kept in motion in circuitous waves corresponding in length to the intensity of their release; that these vibrations remain in motion forever; that they are one of the two sources from which thoughts that 'pop' into one's mind emanate, the other source being direct and immediate contact… with the brain releasing the thought vibration."
from: The Law of Success in Sixteen Lessons, Volume I—see book list below
Jeremy Narby
In his book, The Cosmic Serpent, which explores the knowledge and visions of shamanic traditions, Jeremy Narby discusses the possible source of the images within the so-called "hallucinations" experienced by shamans. He proposes the intriguing idea that, in addition to the known fact that DNA, when stimulated in a particular way, emits photons (electromagnetic radiation), DNA can also absorb photons - just as quartz crystals can receive and emit electromagnetic waves.
"What if DNA, stimulated by nicotine and dimethyltryptamine (active substances in hallucinogenic plants) activates not only its emission of photons (which inundate our conciousness in the form of hallucinations), but also its capacity to pick up the photons emitted by the global network of DNA-based life? This would mean that the biosphere itself, which can be considered 'as a more or less fully interlinked unit' is the source of the images."
from: Cosmic Serpent—see book list below
Thomas Paine
"Any person, who has made observations on the state of progress of the human mind, by observing his own, cannot but have observed that there are two distinct classes of what are called Thoughts: those that we produce in ourselves by reflection and the act of thinking, and those that bolt into the mind of their own accord. I have made it a rule to treat these voluntary visitors with civility, taking care to examine, as well as I was able, if they were worth entertaining; and it is from them that I have acquired almost all the knowledge that I have."
from: The Law of Success in Sixteen Lessons, Volume I—see book list below
Kyra Mesich
In her book, The Sensitive Person's Survival Guide, Kyra Mesich describes her ideas regarding communication:
"There are two basic modes of communication in which humans could be fluent. They are the language of intellect and the language of emotion. They are separate because they function differently. Intellect is a projective language. We use it to send out ideas. Intellectual communication occurs when a person intends to send a message. Years of learning are required during our childhood in order to master the sophisticated intellectual language we use today.
"Emotional language is based in empathy. Empathy is a receptive language that is sensed internally. We receive others' emotional communication, whether they intend to send it or not. We are born with a natural ability for empathic communication. Emotional communication is not superior to our prevalent intellectual language and vice versa. These two methods of communication are different and serve different purposes. They are both needed in human society."
from: The Sensitive Person's Survival Guide—see book list below
Erwin Schrödinger
Physicist Erwin Schrödinger is the author of "Schrödinger's Wave Equation," one of the most beautiful and useful descriptions of quantum mechanics, for which he won the 1933 Nobel Prize for Physics.
In addition to his elegant descriptions of the physical world, Schrödinger also wrote quite eloquently about his own mystical worldview and of his study of Vedanta, the non-dualist philosophical literature of India.
In his essay, The Oneness of Mind, he writes of the apparent "lunacy" of the contrived Western concept of a multiplicity of conscious monads, existing in the world with no inter-connection between them, only able to agree on their view of the world by way of a sort of "pre-established harmony." He counters this absurd paradigm,
"…There is obviously only one alternative, namely the unification of minds or consciousnesses. Their multiplicity is only apparent, in truth, there is only one mind…"
He goes on to quote thirteenth-century Islamic-Persian mystic, Aziz Nasafi,
"On the death of any living creature, the spirit returns to the spiritual world, the body to the bodily world. In this, however, only the bodies are subject to change. The spiritual world is one single spirit who stands like unto a light behind the bodily world and who, when any single creature comes into being, shines through it as through a window. According to the kind and size of the window, less or more light enters the world. The light itself, however, remains unchanged."
Schrödinger continues,
"…consciousness is never experienced in the plural, only in the singular. Not only has none of us ever experienced more than one consciousness, but there is also no trace of circumstantial evidence of this ever happening anywhere in the world. If I say that there cannot be more than one consciousness in the same mind, this seems a blunt tautology - we are quite unable to imagine the contrary…"
In another essay, The I That Is God, he elaborates,
"In itself, the insight is not new. The earliest records, to my knowledge, date back some 2500 years or more… the recognition ATMAN=BRAHMAN (the personal self equals the omnipresent, all-comprehending eternal self) was in Indian thought considered, far from being blasphemous, to represent the quintessence of deepest insight into the happenings of the world. The striving of all the scholars of Vedanta was after having learnt to pronounce with their lips, really assimilate in their minds this grandest of all thoughts.
"Again, the mystics of many centuries, independently, yet in perfect harmony with each other (somewhat like the particles in an ideal gas) have described, each of them, the unique experience of his or her life in terms that can be condensed in the phrase: DEUS FACTUS SUM (I have become God).
"To Western ideology, the thought has remained a stranger… in spite of those true lovers who, as they look into each other's eyes, become aware that their thought and their joy are numerically one, not merely similar or identical…"
And in the powerful and expressive essay, The Mystic Vision, Schrödinger shows us his own true mysticism,
"…the plurality that we perceive is only an appearance; it is not real. Vedantic philosophy… has sought to clarify it by a number of analogies, one of the most attractive being the many-faceted crystal which, while showing hundreds of little pictures of what is in reality a single existent object, does not really multiply that object…
"…this knowledge, feeling, and choice are essentially eternal and unchangeable and numerically one in all men, nay in all sensitive beings. But not in this sense - that you are a part, a piece, of an eternal, infinite being, an aspect or modification of it… For we should then have the same baffling question: which part, which aspect are you? what, objectively, differentiates it from the others? No, but, inconceiveable as it seems to ordinary reason, you—and all other conscious beings as such—are all in all. Hence, this life of yours… is, in a certain sense, the whole… This, as we know, is what the Brahmins express in that sacred, mystic formula… 'Tat tvam asi' - this is you. Or, again, in such words as 'I am in the east and in the west, I am below and above, I am this whole world.'
"Thus you can throw yourself flat on the ground, stretched out upon Mother Earth, with certain conviction that you are one with her and she with you … For eternally and always there is only now, one and the same now; the present is the only thing that has no end."
from: Quantum Questions—see book list below
Laura Day
Explaining in her book, Practical Intuition, [Chapter 8 — You Already Know Everything] that we all have access to information about the world through our intuition, Laura Day writes,
"Intuition is a capacity you're born with as a human being, like the capacity for language or thinking or appreciating music. Intuition is not a power one acquires. It's an integral part of every human mental, emotional, and psychical process.
"Each moment—right now—you receive information intuitively; you're simply unaware of the process. You use your intuition in all those practical reasoned decisions you make every day, from choices as mundane as what to eat for dinner to what to major in or who to marry.
"The trick to using your intuition more effectively is to bring the unconscious data it supplies to a place where your conscious mind can interpret it. It takes work and guidance to put this unconscious process under control. I'll show you how to do that. In a sense, this book is about developing awareness of an ability you already have and use."
from: Practical Intuition—see book list below
the editors of Mind at Large
"In this 21st century, we should not have to argue about the reality of psychic abilities. The five chapters of this book devoted to remote viewing experiments show that most people have the ability to describe and experience events and locations that are blocked from ordinary perception. This perceptual ability has now been demonstrated and documented at Stanford Reaserch Institute, Princeton University, and numerous other U.S. and international laboratories. In spite of all this documentation for the existence of our natural capacity for such psychic abilities, they have not by any means been accepted as real by mainstream science. How can this be?
"The data are in. But, the debate about the existence of psychic abilities continues only among the uninformed."
from: Mind at Large—IEEE Symposia on the Nature of Extrasensory Perception—see book list below
References—quotes are found in the books listed below
(books available at major retailers unless otherwise noted)

Cosmic Serpent: DNA and the Origins of Knowledge
by Jeremy Narby
quote found on page 131

Law of Success in Sixteen Lessons, Volume I
by Napoleon Hill
Alexander Graham Bell is quoted on pages 43-46
Napoleon Hill quote found on pages 47-50
Thomas Paine is quoted on pages 47-49

at Large—Institue of Electrical and
Electronics Engineers Symposia on
the Nature of Extrasensory Perception
edited by Charles T. Tart, Harold E Puthoff, Russell Targ
quote found on flap

by Laura Day
quote found on page 46

Mystical Writings of the World’s Great Physicists
edited by Ken Wilbur
Erwin Schrödinger quotes found on pages 85, 92, 95-97

Sensitive Person's Survival Guide:
An Alternative Health Answer to Emotional
Sensitivity & Depression
by Kyra Mesich
quote found on page page 34

of Yoga Psychology
by Ramamurti S. Mishra, MD
available at ashramstore.com
quote found on pages 103-104
Sometimes I have realized this with my husband or Nidhi also. We're thinking of the same things.
It can't be just coincidence always.
And this thing with Sumi - made me feel different. Coz all of a sudden she is thinking all this andI was wondering if thoughts can be transmitted from one brain to another unconsciously. I strangely seem to have subscribed to this theory.
Thoughts... connecting humans..cosmic intelligence..wow..
Napoloeon Hill:
"I have proved, times too numerous to enumerate, to my own satisfaction at least, that every human brain is both a broadcasting and a receiving station for vibrations of thought frequency."
Some thoughts on thoughts
a few interesting ideas on the nature of the mind and our connection with one another from people with a wealth of experience in a wide variety of fields...Alexander Graham Bell
"Can it be said… that there are not many [frequencies] of [electromagnetic] vibrations that may give us results as wonderful as or even more wonderful than, the wireless [radio] waves? It seems to me that in [a range of frequencies] lie the vibrations which we have assumed to be given off by our brains and nerve cells when we think… … If the thought waves are similar to the wireless [radio] waves, they must pass from the brain and flow endlessly around the world and the universe. The body and the skull and other solid obstacles would form no obstruction to their passage…
"You ask if there would not be constant interference and confusion if other people's thoughts were flowing through our brains and setting up thoughts in them that did not originate with ourselves?
"How do you know that other men's thoughts are not interfering with yours now? I have noticed a good many phenomena of mind disturbances that I have never been able to explain. For instance, there is the inspiration or discouragement that a speaker feels in addressing an audience. I have experienced this many times in my life and I have never been able to define exactly the physical causes of it.
"Many recent scientific discoveries, in my opinion, point to a day not far distant perhaps, when men will read one another's thoughts, when thoughts will be conveyed directly from brain to brain without intervention of speech, writing, or any of the present known methods of communication.
"It is not unreasonable to look forward to a time when we shall see without eyes, hear without ears, and talk without tongues.
"Briefly, the hypothesis that mind can communicate directly with mind rests on the theory that thought, or vital force, is a form of electrical disturbance, that it can be taken up by induction and transmitted to a distance either through a wire or simply through the all-pervading ether, as in the case of wireless telegraph waves."
from: The Law of Success in Sixteen Lessons, Volume I—see book list below
Ramamurti S. Mishra, MD
In The Textbook of Yoga Psychology Dr. Mishra writes about telepathy and clairvoyance being by-products of Yoga meditation practice:
"…Most theories of the west are built on non-admission of telepathy and clairvoyance. Yoga admits not only that such phenomena are possible but that they have been confirmed by experience of yogins in meditation. The system of Yoga admits individual mind and says that it is a manifestation of Cosmic Mind. Hence in purity of individual mind, there must be ability to communicate with all minds of the universe. Telepathy, clairvoyance, etc., are not the aim of Yoga practice. They are by-products of this practice… This purity is achieved only through meditation and contemplation practice according to the classical system of Yoga.
"Each mind purified through [meditation] becomes able to connect with other minds without losing its identity…
"…This state of mind is the same as that of the Self-realization method taught by yogins. The system of Yoga has evolved a technique to produce the telepathic state of mind, which operates like radio or television at that particular moment."
Dr. Mishra reiterates that these psychic phenomena are the by-products, and not the aim of Yoga practice, and notes that practitioners are warned to use such abilities only for purposes which further the realization of Cosmic Unity and the true Self.
from: Textbook of Yoga Psychology—see book list below
Napoleon Hill
"I have proved, times too numerous to enumerate, to my own satisfaction at least, that every brain is both a broadcasting and a receiving station for vibrations of thought frequency…
"Every mind, or brain, is directly connected with every other brain by means of the ether. Every thought released by any brain may be instantly picked up and interpreted by all other brains that are 'en rapport' with the sending brain… …It is the belief of this author that every thought vibration released by any brain is picked up… and kept in motion in circuitous waves corresponding in length to the intensity of their release; that these vibrations remain in motion forever; that they are one of the two sources from which thoughts that 'pop' into one's mind emanate, the other source being direct and immediate contact… with the brain releasing the thought vibration."
from: The Law of Success in Sixteen Lessons, Volume I—see book list below
Jeremy Narby
In his book, The Cosmic Serpent, which explores the knowledge and visions of shamanic traditions, Jeremy Narby discusses the possible source of the images within the so-called "hallucinations" experienced by shamans. He proposes the intriguing idea that, in addition to the known fact that DNA, when stimulated in a particular way, emits photons (electromagnetic radiation), DNA can also absorb photons - just as quartz crystals can receive and emit electromagnetic waves.
"What if DNA, stimulated by nicotine and dimethyltryptamine (active substances in hallucinogenic plants) activates not only its emission of photons (which inundate our conciousness in the form of hallucinations), but also its capacity to pick up the photons emitted by the global network of DNA-based life? This would mean that the biosphere itself, which can be considered 'as a more or less fully interlinked unit' is the source of the images."
from: Cosmic Serpent—see book list below
Thomas Paine
"Any person, who has made observations on the state of progress of the human mind, by observing his own, cannot but have observed that there are two distinct classes of what are called Thoughts: those that we produce in ourselves by reflection and the act of thinking, and those that bolt into the mind of their own accord. I have made it a rule to treat these voluntary visitors with civility, taking care to examine, as well as I was able, if they were worth entertaining; and it is from them that I have acquired almost all the knowledge that I have."
from: The Law of Success in Sixteen Lessons, Volume I—see book list below
Kyra Mesich
In her book, The Sensitive Person's Survival Guide, Kyra Mesich describes her ideas regarding communication:
"There are two basic modes of communication in which humans could be fluent. They are the language of intellect and the language of emotion. They are separate because they function differently. Intellect is a projective language. We use it to send out ideas. Intellectual communication occurs when a person intends to send a message. Years of learning are required during our childhood in order to master the sophisticated intellectual language we use today.
"Emotional language is based in empathy. Empathy is a receptive language that is sensed internally. We receive others' emotional communication, whether they intend to send it or not. We are born with a natural ability for empathic communication. Emotional communication is not superior to our prevalent intellectual language and vice versa. These two methods of communication are different and serve different purposes. They are both needed in human society."
from: The Sensitive Person's Survival Guide—see book list below
Erwin Schrödinger
Physicist Erwin Schrödinger is the author of "Schrödinger's Wave Equation," one of the most beautiful and useful descriptions of quantum mechanics, for which he won the 1933 Nobel Prize for Physics.
In addition to his elegant descriptions of the physical world, Schrödinger also wrote quite eloquently about his own mystical worldview and of his study of Vedanta, the non-dualist philosophical literature of India.
In his essay, The Oneness of Mind, he writes of the apparent "lunacy" of the contrived Western concept of a multiplicity of conscious monads, existing in the world with no inter-connection between them, only able to agree on their view of the world by way of a sort of "pre-established harmony." He counters this absurd paradigm,
"…There is obviously only one alternative, namely the unification of minds or consciousnesses. Their multiplicity is only apparent, in truth, there is only one mind…"
He goes on to quote thirteenth-century Islamic-Persian mystic, Aziz Nasafi,
"On the death of any living creature, the spirit returns to the spiritual world, the body to the bodily world. In this, however, only the bodies are subject to change. The spiritual world is one single spirit who stands like unto a light behind the bodily world and who, when any single creature comes into being, shines through it as through a window. According to the kind and size of the window, less or more light enters the world. The light itself, however, remains unchanged."
Schrödinger continues,
"…consciousness is never experienced in the plural, only in the singular. Not only has none of us ever experienced more than one consciousness, but there is also no trace of circumstantial evidence of this ever happening anywhere in the world. If I say that there cannot be more than one consciousness in the same mind, this seems a blunt tautology - we are quite unable to imagine the contrary…"
In another essay, The I That Is God, he elaborates,
"In itself, the insight is not new. The earliest records, to my knowledge, date back some 2500 years or more… the recognition ATMAN=BRAHMAN (the personal self equals the omnipresent, all-comprehending eternal self) was in Indian thought considered, far from being blasphemous, to represent the quintessence of deepest insight into the happenings of the world. The striving of all the scholars of Vedanta was after having learnt to pronounce with their lips, really assimilate in their minds this grandest of all thoughts.
"Again, the mystics of many centuries, independently, yet in perfect harmony with each other (somewhat like the particles in an ideal gas) have described, each of them, the unique experience of his or her life in terms that can be condensed in the phrase: DEUS FACTUS SUM (I have become God).
"To Western ideology, the thought has remained a stranger… in spite of those true lovers who, as they look into each other's eyes, become aware that their thought and their joy are numerically one, not merely similar or identical…"
And in the powerful and expressive essay, The Mystic Vision, Schrödinger shows us his own true mysticism,
"…the plurality that we perceive is only an appearance; it is not real. Vedantic philosophy… has sought to clarify it by a number of analogies, one of the most attractive being the many-faceted crystal which, while showing hundreds of little pictures of what is in reality a single existent object, does not really multiply that object…
"…this knowledge, feeling, and choice are essentially eternal and unchangeable and numerically one in all men, nay in all sensitive beings. But not in this sense - that you are a part, a piece, of an eternal, infinite being, an aspect or modification of it… For we should then have the same baffling question: which part, which aspect are you? what, objectively, differentiates it from the others? No, but, inconceiveable as it seems to ordinary reason, you—and all other conscious beings as such—are all in all. Hence, this life of yours… is, in a certain sense, the whole… This, as we know, is what the Brahmins express in that sacred, mystic formula… 'Tat tvam asi' - this is you. Or, again, in such words as 'I am in the east and in the west, I am below and above, I am this whole world.'
"Thus you can throw yourself flat on the ground, stretched out upon Mother Earth, with certain conviction that you are one with her and she with you … For eternally and always there is only now, one and the same now; the present is the only thing that has no end."
from: Quantum Questions—see book list below
Laura Day
Explaining in her book, Practical Intuition, [Chapter 8 — You Already Know Everything] that we all have access to information about the world through our intuition, Laura Day writes,
"Intuition is a capacity you're born with as a human being, like the capacity for language or thinking or appreciating music. Intuition is not a power one acquires. It's an integral part of every human mental, emotional, and psychical process.
"Each moment—right now—you receive information intuitively; you're simply unaware of the process. You use your intuition in all those practical reasoned decisions you make every day, from choices as mundane as what to eat for dinner to what to major in or who to marry.
"The trick to using your intuition more effectively is to bring the unconscious data it supplies to a place where your conscious mind can interpret it. It takes work and guidance to put this unconscious process under control. I'll show you how to do that. In a sense, this book is about developing awareness of an ability you already have and use."
from: Practical Intuition—see book list below
the editors of Mind at Large
"In this 21st century, we should not have to argue about the reality of psychic abilities. The five chapters of this book devoted to remote viewing experiments show that most people have the ability to describe and experience events and locations that are blocked from ordinary perception. This perceptual ability has now been demonstrated and documented at Stanford Reaserch Institute, Princeton University, and numerous other U.S. and international laboratories. In spite of all this documentation for the existence of our natural capacity for such psychic abilities, they have not by any means been accepted as real by mainstream science. How can this be?
"The data are in. But, the debate about the existence of psychic abilities continues only among the uninformed."
from: Mind at Large—IEEE Symposia on the Nature of Extrasensory Perception—see book list below
References—quotes are found in the books listed below
(books available at major retailers unless otherwise noted)
Cosmic Serpent: DNA and the Origins of Knowledge
by Jeremy Narby
quote found on page 131
by Napoleon Hill
Alexander Graham Bell is quoted on pages 43-46
Napoleon Hill quote found on pages 47-50
Thomas Paine is quoted on pages 47-49
Electronics Engineers Symposia on
the Nature of Extrasensory Perception
edited by Charles T. Tart, Harold E Puthoff, Russell Targ
quote found on flap
by Laura Day
quote found on page 46
Mystical Writings of the World’s Great Physicists
edited by Ken Wilbur
Erwin Schrödinger quotes found on pages 85, 92, 95-97
An Alternative Health Answer to Emotional
Sensitivity & Depression
by Kyra Mesich
quote found on page page 34
by Ramamurti S. Mishra, MD
available at ashramstore.com
quote found on pages 103-104
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