Very apt poster for today. Yes, every single day, we're born as new persons. We try our best to be better version of ourselves. There are times when you're lonely, when your professional life is in chaos or you're fighting some personal issues. These patches can suck all your energy and positivity. But, life goes in cycles.. in sometime you get refreshed...the pain heals.. the dark clouds move on...life seems a little more brighter...Life goes on.. like the universe.. it continues till the graveyard.
To me, everyday is a chance to better myself. To give more of myself to others. To make someone's life a bit more happier.
But, what I don't like is - some people who leave without saying goodbyes. We're all so careful to say "proper" goodbyes at work, because we're opportunists. We don't care that much for personal relations. It's perfectly ok that my old friends and I are quite incompatible now. We're grown apart as individuals. But that doesn't mean that we should hate each other. We should remember the good times but never try to recreate them again. We should accept that we've changed. We should say proper byes and move on. I always remember Life of Pi.. the scene when Pi is disheartened when Richard Parker goes into the jungle without saying goodbye. It matters that much.. to say our goodbyes. I wish some people said proper goodbyes and clarified things.
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