I was thinking aloud.. what sets me free?
My education, my job, the money?
No.. In reality, the things that do not matter to me, the things that I have never thought of.. those are the things that do not hold me a slave. They are the things that give me true freedom.
eg: I was this studious kid at school. I never cared a damn about boys and such things. If you see, that's what set me free.. I never had any heartaches...It's not bad to fall in love.. but unless you're mature.. when 2 people come together love will soon turn into heartache. So, God spared me all that during school and college years.
But the moment it matters to you.. you're looking at the mirror a 1000 times. Have u seen women doing their lips while driving? You choose your dresses with utmost care. Why do they do that? You are constantly worrying about how you look and what you wear. You doll up for occasions.
This idea of looking attractive for boys thing has enslaved them. They cannot live without thinking about it. It occupies a huge part of your life. I have seen soooo many people like this, so such people do exist. But, the moment it stops worrying you - you feel free.. you feel light.. you dress comfortably. ..you carry yourself with a certain ease...It frees you.
Whatever matters to you - you think abt it.. you plan.. you worry.. that's the rule.. and these qualities make you a slave.
If I say I drink only Starbucks, I am a slave of Starbucks. I am not free!
If I do not care about coffee or Starbucks.. I am free of coffee.. that thing doesn't exist for me. I do not worry about it. I don't spend CPU cycles on it. It sets me free.. I have 1 less thing to worry about.
Makes sense?
I was thinking - what causes pain? Why pain? Why suffering?
If someone upsets you - it causes pain. Why?
Did god want us to experience so much pain all the time? Why are we experiencing it?
Let's say somebody says "You're ugly". It pains you. You cry. Why?
a) Because you feel he's rude and has hurt you.
b) Because you have taken his words for true and can't accept that you're ugly.
What the person has done is, hurt our ego. Everyone has an ego and so that gets hurts first most of the times. Most conflicts are ego clashes.
You start feeling you're ugly and move into a self sympathizing mode. You start feeling bad for yourself. You feel it's important to look beautiful and since you no longer think you are beautiful you think this life is not worth living.
You dwell on the fact that XXX was rude. No one should be so rude. Why are people so rude?
You feel XXX thinks you're unimportant and everyone of us wants to feel important. We crave for attention all through our lives. When someone does not give us attention or gives someone else more attention it hurts us. It hurts our ego.
I have started believing that every pain is pointing to a flaw in us somewhere.
We need to ruthlessly analyze the cause of the pain with ourself and iron out the flaw.
Else, the pain will come back through something else or someone else.. some other time.
Here, the wrong this is - we all have huge egos and we can't accept negative things about ourself. We all want to feel proud and perfect and desired, always.
If we think we're a nobody - we're dirt, we maybe able to accept what others say.
We think people should be polite, nice, caring and respectful. This is a wrong expectation. People are what they are. Sometimes they wear their masks but sometimes the mask comes off and you see the real person.. the real person may not be polite. For eg: I am not a polite person at all. I wear my mask usually, so when you catch me unawares you can see that I will never be polite. You need to accept that I'm that way and there's nothing wrong. I can have many qwirky habits, don't let mine affect you.
Then, we have these flawed ideas of beauty. Why crave beauty? Because beautiful people get attention. Why crave attention? Why are we so dependent on others for an ego boost?
If your sense of pride and ego comes from others, it is natural that there will be some who will burst it also, right?
Some amount of introspection like this will lead you to the root cause and then slowly we can work with the shortcomings. If we're giving too much importance to beauty, we can take steps towards decreasing it. We can accept that we're not beautiful, but also know that this property doesn't matter. Today the world is after money and beauty, yesterday it was after educational degrees, tomorrow it will be after tattoos and gays. Do you want to change yourself to be popular? The changes of the world are brought in my revolutions.. of people who were suppressed and ill-treated and who did not get their due. So, what is dirt today can become important tomorrow. Tomorrow dark people maybe in fashion and then, if you're fair, would you hang yourself? How much importance do you want to give to the world? The world is changing always and has never been fair and just. You want to rely on that world to derive your qualities?
If we're giving too much importance to people or things, we can work on strengthening our core.. and our inside so that we have a better sense of who we are, than relying on other people's words...
Accepting people as they are and accepting situations and our helplessness, helps us in a long way.
So, by ironing out things this way, each of our flawed conditioning can be removed..I believe.
Life will start becoming easier.
Karma is only for the body and mind. Our souls are all equal. There is no carry over for the soul. The more we concentrate on "I am not the body, I am not even the mind".. the less we suffer.
All souls are equal and if we realize that we do not get trapped into sadness, because sadness is inevitably caused by some physical comparison or discomfort (handicap) or the mind's thoughts.
When I know that my mind is nothing but a sum of what I see, what I read, where I studied, whom I interact with - where is the original ownership? Is the concept that "beauty is important" mine in the first place? Someone else created the rule to feel good about themselves.
You create a rule - Holding an M.S is the most important - if it suits you, and start feeling important... what's wrong. Some people create rules.. and stereotypes. It's not right or just. Then, why suffer?
I read the foll. It may not make sense to some, but it looked good to me. Even if its fake, if it is going to help me learn my lesson, I am fine.
From http://www.masteringourselves.com/articles/karma-and-prebirth-contracts.html :
Though we are all one, and all contain God within, we are still individual personalities with individual traits in need of transforming. This process of transformation culminates when we merge back into the Godhead.
Universal laws establish proper ways of behavior that all souls must adhere to. Behaving outside these parameters indicates your need for education and lessons. On the human level, all of us need to transform the part of ourselves that has behaved badly so that we will never choose to behave that way again. As we accomplish this, we also transform the corresponding part of our soul. Negative patterns need to be transformed until the desire to behave badly no longer exists in our soul. For example, if we have a tendency to be physically abusive to others, we will need to reeducate that part of ourselves until the mere thought of hurting someone no longer comes into our mind.
The entire universe is set up so that all beings, human, humanoid (an ethereal being that looks human) and others, are to learn lessons. Lessons vary greatly from one corner of the universe to another, and are based on consistent, systematic, organized universal laws that encompass all dimensions.
Karmic lessons indeed drive all of the uncomfortable challenges in our lives. Underneath our lack of whatever, lie our lessons.
My education, my job, the money?
No.. In reality, the things that do not matter to me, the things that I have never thought of.. those are the things that do not hold me a slave. They are the things that give me true freedom.
eg: I was this studious kid at school. I never cared a damn about boys and such things. If you see, that's what set me free.. I never had any heartaches...It's not bad to fall in love.. but unless you're mature.. when 2 people come together love will soon turn into heartache. So, God spared me all that during school and college years.
But the moment it matters to you.. you're looking at the mirror a 1000 times. Have u seen women doing their lips while driving? You choose your dresses with utmost care. Why do they do that? You are constantly worrying about how you look and what you wear. You doll up for occasions.
This idea of looking attractive for boys thing has enslaved them. They cannot live without thinking about it. It occupies a huge part of your life. I have seen soooo many people like this, so such people do exist. But, the moment it stops worrying you - you feel free.. you feel light.. you dress comfortably. ..you carry yourself with a certain ease...It frees you.
Whatever matters to you - you think abt it.. you plan.. you worry.. that's the rule.. and these qualities make you a slave.
If I say I drink only Starbucks, I am a slave of Starbucks. I am not free!
If I do not care about coffee or Starbucks.. I am free of coffee.. that thing doesn't exist for me. I do not worry about it. I don't spend CPU cycles on it. It sets me free.. I have 1 less thing to worry about.
Makes sense?
I was thinking - what causes pain? Why pain? Why suffering?
If someone upsets you - it causes pain. Why?
Did god want us to experience so much pain all the time? Why are we experiencing it?
Let's say somebody says "You're ugly". It pains you. You cry. Why?
a) Because you feel he's rude and has hurt you.
b) Because you have taken his words for true and can't accept that you're ugly.
What the person has done is, hurt our ego. Everyone has an ego and so that gets hurts first most of the times. Most conflicts are ego clashes.
You start feeling you're ugly and move into a self sympathizing mode. You start feeling bad for yourself. You feel it's important to look beautiful and since you no longer think you are beautiful you think this life is not worth living.
You dwell on the fact that XXX was rude. No one should be so rude. Why are people so rude?
You feel XXX thinks you're unimportant and everyone of us wants to feel important. We crave for attention all through our lives. When someone does not give us attention or gives someone else more attention it hurts us. It hurts our ego.
I have started believing that every pain is pointing to a flaw in us somewhere.
We need to ruthlessly analyze the cause of the pain with ourself and iron out the flaw.
Else, the pain will come back through something else or someone else.. some other time.
Here, the wrong this is - we all have huge egos and we can't accept negative things about ourself. We all want to feel proud and perfect and desired, always.
If we think we're a nobody - we're dirt, we maybe able to accept what others say.
We think people should be polite, nice, caring and respectful. This is a wrong expectation. People are what they are. Sometimes they wear their masks but sometimes the mask comes off and you see the real person.. the real person may not be polite. For eg: I am not a polite person at all. I wear my mask usually, so when you catch me unawares you can see that I will never be polite. You need to accept that I'm that way and there's nothing wrong. I can have many qwirky habits, don't let mine affect you.
Then, we have these flawed ideas of beauty. Why crave beauty? Because beautiful people get attention. Why crave attention? Why are we so dependent on others for an ego boost?
If your sense of pride and ego comes from others, it is natural that there will be some who will burst it also, right?
Some amount of introspection like this will lead you to the root cause and then slowly we can work with the shortcomings. If we're giving too much importance to beauty, we can take steps towards decreasing it. We can accept that we're not beautiful, but also know that this property doesn't matter. Today the world is after money and beauty, yesterday it was after educational degrees, tomorrow it will be after tattoos and gays. Do you want to change yourself to be popular? The changes of the world are brought in my revolutions.. of people who were suppressed and ill-treated and who did not get their due. So, what is dirt today can become important tomorrow. Tomorrow dark people maybe in fashion and then, if you're fair, would you hang yourself? How much importance do you want to give to the world? The world is changing always and has never been fair and just. You want to rely on that world to derive your qualities?
If we're giving too much importance to people or things, we can work on strengthening our core.. and our inside so that we have a better sense of who we are, than relying on other people's words...
Accepting people as they are and accepting situations and our helplessness, helps us in a long way.
So, by ironing out things this way, each of our flawed conditioning can be removed..I believe.
Life will start becoming easier.
Karma is only for the body and mind. Our souls are all equal. There is no carry over for the soul. The more we concentrate on "I am not the body, I am not even the mind".. the less we suffer.
All souls are equal and if we realize that we do not get trapped into sadness, because sadness is inevitably caused by some physical comparison or discomfort (handicap) or the mind's thoughts.
When I know that my mind is nothing but a sum of what I see, what I read, where I studied, whom I interact with - where is the original ownership? Is the concept that "beauty is important" mine in the first place? Someone else created the rule to feel good about themselves.
You create a rule - Holding an M.S is the most important - if it suits you, and start feeling important... what's wrong. Some people create rules.. and stereotypes. It's not right or just. Then, why suffer?
I read the foll. It may not make sense to some, but it looked good to me. Even if its fake, if it is going to help me learn my lesson, I am fine.
From http://www.masteringourselves.com/articles/karma-and-prebirth-contracts.html :
Though we are all one, and all contain God within, we are still individual personalities with individual traits in need of transforming. This process of transformation culminates when we merge back into the Godhead.
Universal laws establish proper ways of behavior that all souls must adhere to. Behaving outside these parameters indicates your need for education and lessons. On the human level, all of us need to transform the part of ourselves that has behaved badly so that we will never choose to behave that way again. As we accomplish this, we also transform the corresponding part of our soul. Negative patterns need to be transformed until the desire to behave badly no longer exists in our soul. For example, if we have a tendency to be physically abusive to others, we will need to reeducate that part of ourselves until the mere thought of hurting someone no longer comes into our mind.
The entire universe is set up so that all beings, human, humanoid (an ethereal being that looks human) and others, are to learn lessons. Lessons vary greatly from one corner of the universe to another, and are based on consistent, systematic, organized universal laws that encompass all dimensions.
Karmic lessons indeed drive all of the uncomfortable challenges in our lives. Underneath our lack of whatever, lie our lessons.
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