In today’s society, it has been observed that the title of “housewife” is inadvertently less valued than that of a “working woman”. Will the mere payment of a salary elevate the role of the housewife and make it more worthy of social recognition? Stay tuned for answers to these questions and more through Sadhguru’s words, in the concluding part of the series: The Feminine Presence, next week.
Today, in the concluding part of The Feminine Presence, we take a deeper look at the role of the feminine in the home as well as society, through Sadhguru’s words.
These are the two aspects fulfilled by masculine and feminine. From
here on, when I say masculine and feminine, I want you to disengage
these from being male and female. The natural tendency of the masculine
is outgoing, it wants to take care of the survival process, it wants to
take care of somebody. It doesn’t feel fulfilled unless it takes care of
something. The natural tendency of the feminine is not like that; the
feminine is absorbing, it creates an ambience of a certain beauty, love
and gentleness.
There is a shift in today’s society. A woman may seek a career, but it is not just about that anymore. In today’s society, masculine ideals are becoming the most important. The tendencies of the masculine have become universal. Only masculine is power, or the right way to be, is a wrong perception that has seeped into society. Even women have started to understand it this way. So should a woman not be the caretaker? Yes, she can. But if the feminine was absent from the world, everybody would wonder, “Why are we here?” We would all be very successful, we would have a lot of food, a lot of money, but we would wonder, “Why are we here?” I’m not talking about male or female, I’m talking about masculine and feminine qualities.
I think a lot of women are going through this and some of them are trying to find a balance between the two. The conflict is not happening because they are pursuing a career, but because the survival process has become the ideal. This is fundamentally a wrong way to structure a society. If aesthetics, love, music, dance, art and craft were as important as money, business and the stock market, you would see that the feminine would naturally play a significant role in the world.
Unfortunately, today there is very little role for the feminine. Even if a woman comes out of the house, she has to act like a man and only then she is successful. If she acts like a woman, she is considered weak. We need to see that feminine is not weak; it is just fulfilling a different aspect of life. Without that aspect, life is not complete. The day feminine is completely banished from this planet, life will not seem worth living anymore in spite of every convenience. Without the ambience of the feminine, masculine will feel meaningless.
Right now, a woman is trying to fit into the man’s world; this is not a good thing. She should not fit into a man’s world. Half the world should anyway be hers. Rather than trying to create a man’s world and fit a woman into it, which would twist her out of shape, it is best that we understand what is needed – a society where both masculine and feminine have equal roles to play. For that, our values of what is important in life have to change and our minds need to grow beyond the survival process. If spirituality became the most significant part of society, you would see that the feminine would be more dominant than the masculine.
Other excerpts on women:
Linga bhairavi consecration:
These are the times when I really feel sad because such incredible things are happening and hardly anybody can see it, not everybody can enjoy what is happening, because to see different aspects of life, to see the way existence is made, you need a different type of eyes. Unless you strive to grow this kind of eyes, you won’t see, even if it is right in front of you. This consecration process has changed the fundamental chemistry of my system so dramatically, you won’t believe it.
Awesome article:
This is not making sense to you, isn’t it? That is the whole problem: The boundless nature of the existence is denied to people simply because they are crippled by their limited logical sense. Just give yourself to what is happening; chant, dance, work, kill yourself in some way; because unless the educated, sensible “you” dies, you will not know what this is. Unless you become as uneducated as me, you will not know what this is because this is something else. You cannot educate her; don’t ever try that. She is wild and fierce. This culture always encouraged the feminine, the women, to be fiery and wild. You should see the ancient literature in this country, where poets are saying, “What to do with a domesticated woman?” [Laughs] We domesticated women because we wanted to breed, raise families and things like that. So, here is one that you cannot domesticate. Wild, very fiery, but absolutely compassionate. These are not contradictory qualities in a being; all these things come together. Linga Bhairavi is just pure life; life in its fiery, highest possibility, but untamed.
She is a roar. She is like a scream. She is not gentle, nice, that kind. You can never domesticate her. “So, what is the use?” That is the whole thing; there is no use just life. Life is not a utility; life is a phenomenon that needs to be experienced. Life is not a milking cow that you could milk so many liters of milk from; life is just the most fabulous phenomenon that we have known or we have not known, [laughs] whichever way it is. To manifest this phenomenon in as many ways as possible, that is ultimately the only work. “What is the use?” No use.
So, next time we sit here it is going to be very, very different. This is not nice, gentle, subtle, refined energy. The Dhyanalinga is a very refined process. Refining it to that level of sophistication almost took my life. Here, with Linga Bhairavi, it is absolutely raw; no refinement at all.
Sadhguru joked that people were concerned that the Isha “brand” of logic, science, and rationality was threatened by the creation of the Linga Bhairavi, but he laughed this off, saying he wasn’t really interested in having a brand.
Swiftly, I recalled what Sadhguru had said about living ecstatically and devotionally, and felt a sudden contrast with the dry sterility of much of westernized living – even most of our festivals lack lustre. Who could argue that this is preferable to a life richly, vividly, color-fully lived!???
Rechristen International women's day as International day of the feminine.
Another awesome one:
One who earns the Grace of Bhairavi neither has to live in concern or fear of life or death, of poverty, or of failure. All that a human being considers as wellbeing will be his if only he earns the Grace of Bhairavi.
Another good one:
A man will conduct the survival process much more efficiently than a woman. Only because technology has come can you today equate man and woman in the level of activity. This is not a question of intelligence; this is a question of physical capability. If there is no structure, if everything is leveled to the ground, then the masculine will naturally dominate. It is from that era that the masculine is still dominating. Now that technological leveling has come, societies are structured. It is definitely time to level it, but to lose our sense about the physiological capabilities and psychological realities will be foolish because they are different. When we make our differences into a discriminatory process, it becomes ugly, otherwise being different is not wrong. Being different is not less or more, it is just different. Unfortunately, human societies have this history of making every difference into a discriminatory process.
A few years ago, when I was conducting a ladies Bhava Spandana at Spanda Hall, in one of the peak moments, I was witness to the Uniqueness of the feminine. A powerful feminine force was so manifest in the air, my own body and energies were very much woman-like. This was not new to me but on that day, it stood up in much grandeur. Though from the same basis, how uniquely different the fundamentals of the feminine are. This reality found a magnificent expression on that day and I thoroughly drank the nectar of the feminine and scribbled these words upon the notepad with my eye and attention holding on to the event that I was witnessing.
It is such a gross violation of the beauty of creation that today we have largely made feminine second class. Aggressive cultural and religious attitudes are the main culprits. The pettiness of wanting to be superior or better than the other has produced attitudes that make masculine a superior force, the grossness of holding physical or the material as ultimate is the root of genocide of the feminine. Well, we have not killed the women of the world because of need but religion, modern science and now the corporate culture – all these are in an active mode of murder of the feminine. Technology has facilitated the upward mobility of women to a more level playing field, but to a very masculine playing field. Only in recognizing and experiencing that there is something more to life than the physical/material realm will the feminine find its true place in human societies.
The most basic structure of the social unit is the family.
Fortunately so far, the government has had the wisdom to stay away, keep
their hands off the family, because they know they will mess it up. But
it looks like now they want to enter your family in the guise of giving
justice to women. You need to understand one thing, if a woman is paid
for the chores that she does at home, she can also be fired. No divorce
is needed. She is not cooking properly, fire her tomorrow morning. The
next day you can hire somebody else. The sanctity of what it means to be
a family will disappear. Not just the husband, even the children will
ask, “Well, you are being paid, why are you not doing this?” The
sanctity of being a wife, the sanctity of being a mother, the sanctity
of being a feminine presence in the family, all this will be ruined and
she will be reduced to a paid-for maid. The worst possible vocabulary
could be used in this scenario. It is nobody’s business to enter a
family and say how it should be run. The laws are on the street and not
inside one’s home. That is a place where nobody should meddle except the
people who live there. In today’s society, it has been observed that the title of “housewife” is inadvertently less valued than that of a “working woman”. Will the mere payment of a salary elevate the role of the housewife and make it more worthy of social recognition? Stay tuned for answers to these questions and more through Sadhguru’s words, in the concluding part of the series: The Feminine Presence, next week.
Today, in the concluding part of The Feminine Presence, we take a deeper look at the role of the feminine in the home as well as society, through Sadhguru’s words.
Let’s look at this fundamentally. During the time of the caveman,
men took care of food and shelter, the basic survival process. Women
took care of cooking, nurturing and creating a better ambience for life.
So the man fuelled the survival process and the woman fuelled that
which makes living worthwhile. Without the woman’s contribution, when a
caveman got up in the morning he would wonder, “Should I go out hunting
today?” Because he had a wife and a child, there was a reason for him to
go out and do something.There is a shift in today’s society. A woman may seek a career, but it is not just about that anymore. In today’s society, masculine ideals are becoming the most important. The tendencies of the masculine have become universal. Only masculine is power, or the right way to be, is a wrong perception that has seeped into society. Even women have started to understand it this way. So should a woman not be the caretaker? Yes, she can. But if the feminine was absent from the world, everybody would wonder, “Why are we here?” We would all be very successful, we would have a lot of food, a lot of money, but we would wonder, “Why are we here?” I’m not talking about male or female, I’m talking about masculine and feminine qualities.
Feminine is not weak; it is just fulfilling a different aspect of life…
A systematic obliteration of the feminine has happened in recent
times. One of the reasons is that the world is driven by the economic
engine. When economy becomes the only important thing on the planet, the
survival process is automatically being put into a divine position. The
masculine is bound to be dominant and in this system, women will
suffer. Women will be mauled, not by a stranger. You may make laws for
their protection, but the very system will maul them.I think a lot of women are going through this and some of them are trying to find a balance between the two. The conflict is not happening because they are pursuing a career, but because the survival process has become the ideal. This is fundamentally a wrong way to structure a society. If aesthetics, love, music, dance, art and craft were as important as money, business and the stock market, you would see that the feminine would naturally play a significant role in the world.
Unfortunately, today there is very little role for the feminine. Even if a woman comes out of the house, she has to act like a man and only then she is successful. If she acts like a woman, she is considered weak. We need to see that feminine is not weak; it is just fulfilling a different aspect of life. Without that aspect, life is not complete. The day feminine is completely banished from this planet, life will not seem worth living anymore in spite of every convenience. Without the ambience of the feminine, masculine will feel meaningless.
Right now, a woman is trying to fit into the man’s world; this is not a good thing. She should not fit into a man’s world. Half the world should anyway be hers. Rather than trying to create a man’s world and fit a woman into it, which would twist her out of shape, it is best that we understand what is needed – a society where both masculine and feminine have equal roles to play. For that, our values of what is important in life have to change and our minds need to grow beyond the survival process. If spirituality became the most significant part of society, you would see that the feminine would be more dominant than the masculine.
Other excerpts on women:
Linga bhairavi consecration:
These are the times when I really feel sad because such incredible things are happening and hardly anybody can see it, not everybody can enjoy what is happening, because to see different aspects of life, to see the way existence is made, you need a different type of eyes. Unless you strive to grow this kind of eyes, you won’t see, even if it is right in front of you. This consecration process has changed the fundamental chemistry of my system so dramatically, you won’t believe it.
Awesome article:
This is not making sense to you, isn’t it? That is the whole problem: The boundless nature of the existence is denied to people simply because they are crippled by their limited logical sense. Just give yourself to what is happening; chant, dance, work, kill yourself in some way; because unless the educated, sensible “you” dies, you will not know what this is. Unless you become as uneducated as me, you will not know what this is because this is something else. You cannot educate her; don’t ever try that. She is wild and fierce. This culture always encouraged the feminine, the women, to be fiery and wild. You should see the ancient literature in this country, where poets are saying, “What to do with a domesticated woman?” [Laughs] We domesticated women because we wanted to breed, raise families and things like that. So, here is one that you cannot domesticate. Wild, very fiery, but absolutely compassionate. These are not contradictory qualities in a being; all these things come together. Linga Bhairavi is just pure life; life in its fiery, highest possibility, but untamed.
She is a roar. She is like a scream. She is not gentle, nice, that kind. You can never domesticate her. “So, what is the use?” That is the whole thing; there is no use just life. Life is not a utility; life is a phenomenon that needs to be experienced. Life is not a milking cow that you could milk so many liters of milk from; life is just the most fabulous phenomenon that we have known or we have not known, [laughs] whichever way it is. To manifest this phenomenon in as many ways as possible, that is ultimately the only work. “What is the use?” No use.
So, next time we sit here it is going to be very, very different. This is not nice, gentle, subtle, refined energy. The Dhyanalinga is a very refined process. Refining it to that level of sophistication almost took my life. Here, with Linga Bhairavi, it is absolutely raw; no refinement at all.
Sadhguru joked that people were concerned that the Isha “brand” of logic, science, and rationality was threatened by the creation of the Linga Bhairavi, but he laughed this off, saying he wasn’t really interested in having a brand.
Swiftly, I recalled what Sadhguru had said about living ecstatically and devotionally, and felt a sudden contrast with the dry sterility of much of westernized living – even most of our festivals lack lustre. Who could argue that this is preferable to a life richly, vividly, color-fully lived!???
Rechristen International women's day as International day of the feminine.
Another awesome one:
One who earns the Grace of Bhairavi neither has to live in concern or fear of life or death, of poverty, or of failure. All that a human being considers as wellbeing will be his if only he earns the Grace of Bhairavi.
Another good one:
A man will conduct the survival process much more efficiently than a woman. Only because technology has come can you today equate man and woman in the level of activity. This is not a question of intelligence; this is a question of physical capability. If there is no structure, if everything is leveled to the ground, then the masculine will naturally dominate. It is from that era that the masculine is still dominating. Now that technological leveling has come, societies are structured. It is definitely time to level it, but to lose our sense about the physiological capabilities and psychological realities will be foolish because they are different. When we make our differences into a discriminatory process, it becomes ugly, otherwise being different is not wrong. Being different is not less or more, it is just different. Unfortunately, human societies have this history of making every difference into a discriminatory process.
A few years ago, when I was conducting a ladies Bhava Spandana at Spanda Hall, in one of the peak moments, I was witness to the Uniqueness of the feminine. A powerful feminine force was so manifest in the air, my own body and energies were very much woman-like. This was not new to me but on that day, it stood up in much grandeur. Though from the same basis, how uniquely different the fundamentals of the feminine are. This reality found a magnificent expression on that day and I thoroughly drank the nectar of the feminine and scribbled these words upon the notepad with my eye and attention holding on to the event that I was witnessing.
It is such a gross violation of the beauty of creation that today we have largely made feminine second class. Aggressive cultural and religious attitudes are the main culprits. The pettiness of wanting to be superior or better than the other has produced attitudes that make masculine a superior force, the grossness of holding physical or the material as ultimate is the root of genocide of the feminine. Well, we have not killed the women of the world because of need but religion, modern science and now the corporate culture – all these are in an active mode of murder of the feminine. Technology has facilitated the upward mobility of women to a more level playing field, but to a very masculine playing field. Only in recognizing and experiencing that there is something more to life than the physical/material realm will the feminine find its true place in human societies.
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