Thursday, February 14, 2013

Heavy duty downloading + fitness links

So, last few days have been a bit frustrating. I went out to Coorg for a star party and ended up eating a LOT... and my scales showed all the weight. 10 days of exercising gone waste!
For someone who struggles to lose weight this is a huge setback. But the only smart thing that I did was, immediately rush to the gym. So, some damage control has been done. The scales show a few pounds less :-)

Somehow I was getting a bad feeling whether this attempt at losing weight will succeed or not. Last year started well but somehow, staying at home and trying to eat properly and do some yoga/ walk did not show much result. It needed tweaking probably. Even now I do less cardio and more stretches.
Y-day -I tried increasing my treadmill to 25 mins and was quite exhausted. I tried running but was not able to continue for more than 1 min or 1.5 mins. That was disheartening to say the least.
So, the night was spent in turmoil again. Also I probably had too high a heart rate for some sound sleep. I then realized that I should shift my gym timings to mornings so that I benefit from sustained high metabolism.

Yday while browsing about a guy called Sandeep Sachdev, I hit upon this blog:

He did not write much about his journey but I was so amazed at his weight loss.  I wanted to mail him and ask him if it was some kind of paid ad for the author.
Then I tried to research about the said book.
I ended up reading about one more book. I was tempted and desperate - the right candidate for selling something to. So, I bought both - which set me back by Rs 4600! One of them, the FLR - did not seem great at first sight. The 2nd one - BFFM did seem good in comparison and that was actually my first choice. I cursed myself why I went and bought the other one. Anyway, maybe we need to make mistakes all the time, to become a little wise. I am always very wary of online gimmicks and never trust these e-books. But a certain kind of desperation has set in and I wanted to do something about it.


About workouts: 

How to start running:

Metabolic Workouts: why use it and how!

High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT): Best Cardio to Burn Fat

Circuit training:


There are innumerable fitness apps and running apps.

I downloaded one:

I'll check and download more!

So, for now - good amount of info to overhaul my system.
Hope this will come handy to a few more people on the way!


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