Sunday, January 20, 2013

Abusing one's beauty

I have this question on mind, the last few days.
Let's say I am talented and intelligent and extremely beautiful. I meet a lot of people and many of them have a crush on me. I too end up having a crush on some of them. I try A. I have fun. I find some faults. I break up.
I then try B. While I am still trying B, I see C - who seems even more attractive.
I ditch B and I am try C.
I see this happening a lot. Again, people may think that someone like me has no idea to be in their spot. Sure, I will never understand. But, as a human, I have some opinions.
When you form a relation - something that's more than an acquaintance - some commitment is there - isn't it based on some core value match? On some level you like each other. Is it right to ditch this person because you found someone with more matches? How long can you continue this way? Does it not harm you in some way? I don't even care about the image problem. Who cares what someone thinks of me. But, how is this kind of culture going to affect me? Does it mean I am not serious about my relations? Am I frivolous? Am I getting greedy?
Am I insatiable? Will I ever have a long lasting relation (even friendship)?
Do I even need one? I have all these questions.
I am brought up in a certain way so I may be rigid. I may not myself try these things. But, I am open to someone trying provided it does not alter their nature beyond repair. I am reminded of Deepika's character in Karthik calling Karthik. I remember how she felt after so many relations. Is that how one ends up feeling?
Are we abusing our youth and beauty by doing so? What will happen once I grow old and no one finds me attractive? Is this what happens to many yester year leading stars causing life long depression? I have no clue! But, I will empathise with such people.

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