When the flow of the thoughts is continuous, it creates similar types
of emotions into your body and thus you take actions out of it. When
the flow of thoughts are continuous, its impossible to focus on work, as
the mind is the instrument of focus, and the attention of mind itself
wonders in different directions.
When you focus your mind, you develop control over it, and direct it in your desired direction.
To know your mind, know the twenty-four hour of your life, and start to
bring the changes you wish to see, in that time span and improve upon
every aspect of life to see the result, with your life.
Emotional body, astral body, spirit are the name of the same body.
Emotional body is made up of feelings and emotions. The mental state,
i.e. mind with the flow of thoughts creates feelings and emotions within
the emotional body.
This emotional body holds all the feelings and emotions of the past
life and each day positive and negative emotions are added to this
emotional body. This can be realized once you start considering the
emotional body as your primary body. You will feel the pain, every time
the situation goes against your expectations, and you will notice the
happening of the incident often many times of the day.
Any form of Physical exercise, breathing technique (pranayama) or
meditation, is the best tool to get rid of your past emotional debris
and renew your life in a natural way.
People who give up on small things are the one’s who give up on bigger things in life.
Each individual soul is responsible for his own salvation. No other
person can fulfill that obligation for you. The people in our life are
the companions, who needs equal support from us, as much as you expect
from them. But if you carry an idea of dependency on anyone, than you
dig your own pitfall.
The person should make every effort to know himself and has to choose
the activity that serve in his upliftment and growth of life.
The life energy flows in its purest form within the emotional body.
When you live from your heart, this energy turns into a positive
emotions and flows through your body. If you don’t allow to express
yourself, that which is happening in your inner world, and live life to
please others, than you take your life’s energy in a negative direction.
Outer world is the manifestation of your inner world. When you connect
with your inner world, you lead your life out of choice. Some people
from their birth are connected with the heart and follow it irrespective
of whatever happens in the outside world. It’s because their process of
evolution continues from the previous birth.
When you hold onto your desire, or pain or sufferings of life, the mind
and heart gets squeezed. But when you allow the natural process to take
place, purest form of life energy that flows within allows to open the
mind and heart and thus you become more responsive towards life, rather
getting tensed and stress out in a moment.
When the mind is constantly forming images and thoughts and feelings and
emotions are created out of it, and the physical body is made to act
out of those thoughts and emotions, you can never understand what is
happening in the outside life, or within your inner world.
With the regular practice of meditation, you can allow the life’s energy
to move upward and heal all the wounds of your heart. The same energy
rise higher to clear all the thoughts of your mind and opens the mind
for you to connect with that space and experience the bliss from with
While in meditation, when you surrender yourself, this life’s energy
allows to clear all your thoughts and you can experience pure silence.
With the experience, you can go deeper into this silence to experience
the wisdom and bliss from within.
When you make yourself the priority of life, you look forward to live
life inside out, rather outside in. Here you come in terms with the
understanding that love towards work comes from within, and not from
work itself. When enough love flows from within, you can make anything
out of the situation or things of life, and if your inner world is
empty, you struggle to manage the small things of life.
Pure Intelligence:
When the mind perceives an object, it holds the feelings and emotions
and past experiences with the object. When you make the choice or
decision with an object, the emotions and your past experiences, will
only allow you to see the object from that perception.
With pure intelligence, you rise above all your feelings and emotions
and the experiences and impression of the past with the object, and see
the things as it is, and makes the right choice out of it in the
Pure intelligence is one. It’s only see the present moment and the
situation in hand and gives his best resolution in the moment. It knows
that, nothing can exist beyond him and it holds the solution for all the
queries of the world. The life of pure intelligence is relax, calm and
dwells in the moment.
Any form of physical exercise, breathing techniques, meditation,
knowledge, love, Faith, awareness in the present moment, concentration
are few ways to break the old patterns of mind, emotions and senses and
tap into the pure intelligence.
The pure intelligence is beyond any images, thoughts or emotions in
your body and thus access to it, is possible only beyond the mind and
The experience of the world is nothing more than a matter. When you
look at the world beyond mind, the only thing you see is a matter.
matter that is manifested out of thoughts and emotions and physical
efforts of different people since ages. If you see something else, then
it’s the projection of your mind.
With the pure intelligence, the case is different. You hold the power
over your mind and emotions to create your own world, on this very
With the pure intelligence, comes the bliss and the power to create
anything on this earth. With the pure intelligence you hold complete
control over the mind, body and emotions and can direct them in your
desired direction.
Will power:
Choice is when you ask your mind, emotions and senses to act in a
certain way. For the first time, it will refuse. When you use the
will-power to execute your choice, the fight begins with the mind,
emotions and senses in your inner world, that holds the habit to follow
the old system.
Will-power is the identification with one’s thought, idea or emotions
and refuse to give up on any condition, before it reaches to its final
Day dreaming:
The imagination is useful for the creation and innovation in life.
But when you imagine pleasure-seeking life, people and different
situations into your mind, it only leads to chaos and takes you no
Look for the experiences in life and relish them, so that you can get
over them to move on with life. If you get stuck in your mind, you will
spoil every experience and no growth is possible with such experiences
of life.
Face life head on:
When you dive into the experiences of life, you allow the mind to
open up and it provides you with the different possibilities of life.
The thoughts have a constant flow from the past, but when you look
for the experiences, the different experience itself change the flow of
thoughts and you can move towards the higher experiences of life.
The life in the present moment can help you to expand the life within you.
When you see your present life as a mess, don’t try to run away from it
or imagine the better future in your mind. The best way to make your
present better, is to start making the things better, wherever you get
the chance and look for the possibility in every moment. This way you
will change the reality of life, not by running away from it, but by
facing it and living it to its core.
Subtle thoughts and their physical manifestation:
The subtle world holds the similar movie that you see in the outside
world in the form of moving images and forms the thoughts and emotions
out of it. When the images of the subtle world gets strong and develop
enough emotions, into an emotional body, it manifest in the physical
form in the outside universe.
The subtle world is no different than the physical world. It takes no
time to develop the things in the subtle world, but for the
manifestation of it in the physical world it takes time, as it includes
many components in the outside world for its manifestation.
The images and thoughts in the subtle world needs enough energy to manifest them in the physical world.
The existence has its own law, where you receive what you give in the
form of vibrations. The existence only receive your vibrations. Your
thoughts and emotions release the vibrations all the time, and you
attract the similar vibrations into your life.
Beliefs are the images and pictures of your mind.
Where do the images and pictures comes from?
Out of your experiences with life.
Beliefs are the thoughts formed from the pictures and images of your
mind. Your belief creates the life of your future. The future
experiences of life depends on the beliefs you carry from your past.
The greatest miracle:
Many people wait for the miracle or depend upon luck with their life. If
you work towards in understanding yourself, you recognize that there is
no bigger miracle than yourself, and you hold the power to set your
luck by directing your thoughts in a right direction.