PARAMAHAMSA SRI NITHYANANDA - Stop chasing your Thoughts!!
SOCIETY, in the form of political or religious institutions, controls
you through fear and greed. These institutions believe that unless you
are prodded by fear and greed, you cannot be effective, productive and
valuable. But productive effective and valuable to whom? It is certainly
not for any advantage to your own Self, but perhaps to the benefit of
these institutions.
Fear and greed make you seek the external world for fulfilment. You seek
to act on your thoughts and words. These as you would have experienced
throughout your life can never be fulfilled. The same fear, the same
greed reappears, however many times you may have experienced them
You are in rajas, the mode of aggression when you act on your thoughts.
People question, how can I live without acting on my thoughts, who will
pay my bills? Please understand. If nature provided within you a system
converts bread into blood, can it not take care of providing you with
bread as well? Nature does not trust you with anything that is critical
to your living. That is why all your essential activities such as
breathing, growing, digesting, etc, happen without your involvement.
I say to you, stop acting on your thoughts. Stop looking for their
meaning. Instead seek the source of thoughts. For instance, if you feel
hungry, ignore that thought. When your body feels that desperate hunger,
it will by itself seek and procure the food to fulfil its needs.
When you do this, when you stop acting on the meaning of words, you will
fall into tamas, into inaction. That is what you are afraid of. There
is nothing to fear. You will stay in that inaction till all your hatred
against your restlessness and greed get worked out. Once that happens,
you will come out of that inaction, that tamasic state,
Please understand that you do not move from tamas into rajas and then
into satva as you may think. You do not, as you think, move in sequence
from inaction to aggression and then to peace. You start with rajas,
which is the state of your day-to-day activity, when you are in the mode
of doership, seeking to fulfil the meaning of your thoughts and words.
When you stop seeking meaning you will fall into inaction, tamas, for a
brief period, till you start seeking the source of your thoughts and
move into satva. You will feel the effect of inner healing, and you
will understand that the universe does take care of you.